Mr. Marc can be reached at any time during school hours for matters relating to school. Should you wish to provide any helpful information regarding your child, please write in the assignment book that is included in your child's folder. This is responded to daily and can act as a helpful medium should any issues arise.
If you would like to discuss your child's progress at any time, simply request a meeting with Mr. Marc and an appointment can generally be made within 24 hours to discuss the matter.
Children in grades K-1 have begin the day at 7:40 a.m. The students get two breaks per day. They get a snack break between 9:10 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. and lunch break from 12:10 p.m. - 12:55 p.m.
After School Activities
After School activities are offered all year round by the school teachers and extended staff on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These classes are compuslory for all lower school students and are between 2:45 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Day Care Facilities
All students will wait for pick up by parents, guardians or drivers in the Day Care facility, located next to the K-1 classroom. There is a sign out sheet that should be signed at the time the children leave the DayCare facility.
If the students are in Day Care for more than 15 minutes each day, contact [email protected] to sign up for Daycare. She will list the fees required and organize a program to suit your wishes.
Of Interest
What can I wear to school?
AISN has a dress code, but no uniform. Students should come to school dressed in suitable, comfortable clothing. On P.E. days which are Mondays and Fridays, that would also mean bringing in the appropraite P.E. attire.
Sun screen, caps and water bottles are essential in this hot climate and all parents are advised to include these in their child's backpack. There is readily available filtered water at school as well if needed.
Transport To and From School
The school offers a bus service of which details can be obtained from the Business Office.
Private transport is allowed up to the main gate of the school for security reasons. This is changed on a needs basis so parents are asked to be patient while the interests of security remain high.
Snacks and Lunch
Students may bring a snack or lunch from home, or purchase a snack or lunch from the Rec. Ctr. in advance. If you would like to sign up for the Rec. Ctr. Daily snacks or lunch program, please advise the Rec. Ctr. manager ([email protected]) or the homeroom teacher ([email protected]) for further information. The lunch has a mainly Western menu with a limited vegetarian option for the week.